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The dealer is installing my mudflaps.
How to do it was posted on the 107 oc forum.
Fitting Peugeot mud flaps
Genuine Peugeot 107 mudflaps are a GOOD fit provided you ignore the instructions
The rears are supplied with panel drill a hole through the lip of the arch, slide the panel clip over the lip.....the screw then tightens on the rear side of the clips and pulls everything together tight...........
Apart from the lower screw (Screw-C) that is.......
The instructions indicate that you drill and fit the upper two screws first (after "roughly) aligning the rear of the mudflap to match with the contour of the rear valance - do this and your asking for a very poorly fitting mudflap and probably requiring to drill further holes to get it to fit nicely (messy).
I noticed that the mudflap hole "C" was moulded to match the contour of the lower rear valance where it changes to the lower extremity (under the numberplate light).
Get your mudflap with Holes "A" & "B" sitting against the inside of the arch and Hole "C" nicely sitting in this curve, then mark with a pen - the hole will just be in the curve ityself. Drill at a slight oblique angle, into this curve. This way, when the screw is tightened, it will pull the mudflap mounting lug in tight the the curve (drill the hole at an opposite angle and the screw will pull the lug away from the curve when tightened and leave a gap). The instruction show a panel clip being used here, but the radically changing contour and thickness of the valance at this point prevents this clip being used. The valance is thick enough to provide good catch on the supplied screw (way too long) providing you drill a clean 2.8/3.0mm hole. I added some extra security, after tightening, by slipping some heatshrink over the exposed thread inside the valance, thus locking the screw in place (I think a squirt of silicone sealant over the exposed screwthread around the valance would serve the same purpose, preventing the screw from backing itself out should it be loose enough - 3.0mm hole was good).
Now the lower screw is fitted (dont tighten, allow the mudguard to move slightly around this lower "C" lug), you can now tension the mudguard around the contour of the rear valance by pulling the arch lip mounting face (two screw holes A & B) up the arch lip whilst holding it against the arch lip (you will see the mudguard "form" itself around the rear valance nicely). Don't pull up too much, just enough to get the mudguard fitting tight against the valance. Mark the top hole, release the mudguard and drill. Place the panel clip over the arch lip, re-tension the mudguard into place and screw the top screw "A" up tight. Now push the muflap second hole "B" (this is oval) against the lip and drill at the upper end of the oval hole. Slide the panel clip behind the mudguard, over the arch lip and screw the final screw "B" up tight. Now go back to screw "C" and tighten. You should have a snug and stiff mudguard. (rather than an ill-fitting floppy one !)
The front mudguards are simpler as they use the 2 inner arch plastic plugs as "rawlplugs"........problem here is that the supplied screws are way too long........they bottom out before they tighten and the arch plugs end up spinning round - a bugger to remove once this happens as I discovered. use the screws to start the thread in each plug (2/3 turns is enough), then cut about 10-12mm of the tip of each screw - they'll take nicely to the pre-tapped plugs and they'll tighten up without spinning the plugs.
The lower grub screw clamps bite around the sill edge - easier to fit if you can get the car up on a ramp - if you have to work at ground level make sure you apply firm upward pressure on the clip as you tighten it, otherwise the turning action of the grub screw makes the clip "walk" down the sill and it will end up crooked - may even pop off. These arn't the best idea at all - I'm not really confident that mine will stay in place - i'll check the car everyday, if I find them loose or missing then I may just screw the mudguard lower flange to the sill edge with a small self tapper.
Pics courtesy of Pug Bug

How to do it was posted on the 107 oc forum.
Fitting Peugeot mud flaps
Genuine Peugeot 107 mudflaps are a GOOD fit provided you ignore the instructions
The rears are supplied with panel drill a hole through the lip of the arch, slide the panel clip over the lip.....the screw then tightens on the rear side of the clips and pulls everything together tight...........
Apart from the lower screw (Screw-C) that is.......
The instructions indicate that you drill and fit the upper two screws first (after "roughly) aligning the rear of the mudflap to match with the contour of the rear valance - do this and your asking for a very poorly fitting mudflap and probably requiring to drill further holes to get it to fit nicely (messy).
I noticed that the mudflap hole "C" was moulded to match the contour of the lower rear valance where it changes to the lower extremity (under the numberplate light).
Get your mudflap with Holes "A" & "B" sitting against the inside of the arch and Hole "C" nicely sitting in this curve, then mark with a pen - the hole will just be in the curve ityself. Drill at a slight oblique angle, into this curve. This way, when the screw is tightened, it will pull the mudflap mounting lug in tight the the curve (drill the hole at an opposite angle and the screw will pull the lug away from the curve when tightened and leave a gap). The instruction show a panel clip being used here, but the radically changing contour and thickness of the valance at this point prevents this clip being used. The valance is thick enough to provide good catch on the supplied screw (way too long) providing you drill a clean 2.8/3.0mm hole. I added some extra security, after tightening, by slipping some heatshrink over the exposed thread inside the valance, thus locking the screw in place (I think a squirt of silicone sealant over the exposed screwthread around the valance would serve the same purpose, preventing the screw from backing itself out should it be loose enough - 3.0mm hole was good).
Now the lower screw is fitted (dont tighten, allow the mudguard to move slightly around this lower "C" lug), you can now tension the mudguard around the contour of the rear valance by pulling the arch lip mounting face (two screw holes A & B) up the arch lip whilst holding it against the arch lip (you will see the mudguard "form" itself around the rear valance nicely). Don't pull up too much, just enough to get the mudguard fitting tight against the valance. Mark the top hole, release the mudguard and drill. Place the panel clip over the arch lip, re-tension the mudguard into place and screw the top screw "A" up tight. Now push the muflap second hole "B" (this is oval) against the lip and drill at the upper end of the oval hole. Slide the panel clip behind the mudguard, over the arch lip and screw the final screw "B" up tight. Now go back to screw "C" and tighten. You should have a snug and stiff mudguard. (rather than an ill-fitting floppy one !)
The front mudguards are simpler as they use the 2 inner arch plastic plugs as "rawlplugs"........problem here is that the supplied screws are way too long........they bottom out before they tighten and the arch plugs end up spinning round - a bugger to remove once this happens as I discovered. use the screws to start the thread in each plug (2/3 turns is enough), then cut about 10-12mm of the tip of each screw - they'll take nicely to the pre-tapped plugs and they'll tighten up without spinning the plugs.
The lower grub screw clamps bite around the sill edge - easier to fit if you can get the car up on a ramp - if you have to work at ground level make sure you apply firm upward pressure on the clip as you tighten it, otherwise the turning action of the grub screw makes the clip "walk" down the sill and it will end up crooked - may even pop off. These arn't the best idea at all - I'm not really confident that mine will stay in place - i'll check the car everyday, if I find them loose or missing then I may just screw the mudguard lower flange to the sill edge with a small self tapper.
Pics courtesy of Pug Bug

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